Shodo Competition by Shukan NY Seikatsu
— I am very happy to see that we received submissions last year from many parts of the US, as well as from the UK.
Shodo allows us to create beautiful art by exploring our sense of unity with the brush. We must keep in mind the importance of our basic daily practice. I hope many people will enjoy the beauty of shodo throughout 2017 and beyond.
The New York Seikatsu Newspaper hosts a shodo competition sponsored by the Hiroshima Artist Brush Manufacturing Company (広島筆産業株式会社). This competition is open to all categories of shodo art. If you wish to participate, you can send your submissions electronically to nyseikatsu.syuji@gmail.com. Please send images in pdf format (photos and scans are both acceptable).
Attn: Syo no Sanpo michi
71 W. 47th # 307 New York, NY 10036
Whether you submit electronically or via mail, please include your name, address, phone number and email address you wish us to contact you at. This information is needed because every month 6 pieces are chosen and displayed in the newspaper every 3rd week of the month. Then at the end of the year 4 art pieces will be chosen and the winners will receive a calligraphy brush from the Hiroshima Artist Brush Manufacturing Company.